Explore the Cockapoo Sultanate created by Fábio Arraes and Bruno Viana

30-60 min.
Fulfill the Sultan's wishes and become
the newest Grand Vizier of Cockapoo!
the newest Grand Vizier of Cockapoo!
The Sultan's Wishes is an easy, fun and strategic game where players are tasked with fulfilling the Sultan's Wishes by dropping Cards on the board or applying their effects.
• Fulfill the Sultan's Wishes and receive Gems to acquire valuable Wares.
• Earn chant by performing Extra Tasks for the Sultan and get ready for a nice reward.
• The player with the highest score at the end will be the big winner and the one chosen by the Sultan!
• Fulfill the Sultan's Wishes and receive Gems to acquire valuable Wares.
• Earn chant by performing Extra Tasks for the Sultan and get ready for a nice reward.
• The player with the highest score at the end will be the big winner and the one chosen by the Sultan!
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90 min.
Explore the villages of Cockapoo
and discover new ways to play
The Sultan's Wishes!
and discover new ways to play
The Sultan's Wishes!
The Travelers Expansion adds new Sultan's Moods, new effects for Task Cards, and new ways to score in The Sultan's Wishes basic game, whether by bringing gifts from neighboring villages to the Sultan or even finding Relics along the paths of the desert.
It includes 7 Miniexpansions: The Favorite, Supporters, Attack of the Pigeons, Special Tasks, Sultan of Cockapoo, Snake Charmer, and The Genie.
It includes 7 Miniexpansions: The Favorite, Supporters, Attack of the Pigeons, Special Tasks, Sultan of Cockapoo, Snake Charmer, and The Genie.
To play the Travelers Expansion, the base game The Sultan's Wishes is required.
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Base Game Components
1 Game Board
10 Sultan’s Mood Plates
48 Task Cards
2 Sultan’s Guard Cards
16 Simple Wish Cards
14 Final Wish Cards
10 Sultan’s Mood Plates
48 Task Cards
2 Sultan’s Guard Cards
16 Simple Wish Cards
14 Final Wish Cards
45 Wares Cards
4 Magic Lamp Cards
4 Quick Reference Cards
6 Market Score Cards
4 Orderlies
4 Score Markers
4 Magic Lamp Cards
4 Quick Reference Cards
6 Market Score Cards
4 Orderlies
4 Score Markers
28 Aides
28 Acrylic Gems
1 First Player Marker
28 Acrylic Gems
1 First Player Marker
Components of the Travelers Expansion
1 Track
6 Sultan’s Mood Plates
8 Task Cards
21 Gift Cards
6 Sultan’s Mood Plates
8 Task Cards
21 Gift Cards
15 Miniexpansions Cards
1 Final Wish Card
18 Relic Tokens
3 Genie Tokens
1 Final Wish Card
18 Relic Tokens
3 Genie Tokens
5 Favorite Score Tokens
4 Travelers
4 Quick Reference Cards
2 Rulebooks
4 Travelers
4 Quick Reference Cards
2 Rulebooks
About the Game
From time to time, the great and benevolent Sultan of the Realms of Cockapoo hosts a festival to promote his new Grand Vizier – someone of his utmost trust, who will be able to influence him to take important decisions, either personal or regarding the whole Sultanate.
In order to be awarded that title, the applicants and their aides will take part in an entertaining audition, in which they must show both their productiveness to fulfill the Sultan’s wishes and wisdom to stir the Local Market efficiently.
Even though each applicant is very well rewarded with Gems, only one of them will became the Sultan’s Grand Vizier.
In order to be awarded that title, the applicants and their aides will take part in an entertaining audition, in which they must show both their productiveness to fulfill the Sultan’s wishes and wisdom to stir the Local Market efficiently.
Even though each applicant is very well rewarded with Gems, only one of them will became the Sultan’s Grand Vizier.